In a sea of quilting project books, Flossie Teacakes' Guide to English Paper Piecing
stands alone. Drawing together many disparate strands, this comprehensive guide
offers up a deeper exploration of this precision patchwork craft, providing everything
quilters need to know on a practical level to begin navigating fussy cutting and English
paper-piecing (EPP).
The most comprehensive guide to English paper piecing on the market today, including
history of the craft, artist profiles, and more!
Patterns for original rosettes on which to learn the practicalities of EPP are
shown step-by-step, covering everything from templates, paper choice, magic mirrors,
how to mock up layouts, glue/thread basting, and more.
Finished examples exemplifying mastery of the skills learned in the book & unique
secondary designs within the quilts that demonstrate the fussy cut and rosette
piecing techniques.